The most honest art gallery in the world.
Frederick Stone Batcheller (American 1837-1889)
Flowers in Victorian Vase
Basket of Strawberries in Landscape
NEW Barton Stone Hays (American, 1826 - 1914)
Apples and Peaches on Tabletop
Barton Stone Hays (American, 1826 - 1914)
Still Life of Apples
Tabletop Apples
Albert Francis King (American, 1854 - 1945)
Still-life with Clay Jug
Jonas Joseph LaValley (American, 1858 - 1930)
Roses in a Glass Vase, 1872
Marcus David Lipton (American 1885 – 1955)
Still-life with Pumpkin
Charles Alfred Meurer (American 1865 - 1955)
Money to Burn
NEW Pierre Raser (French, b. 1953)
Violon, Tambour, Mandoline
Xanthus Russell Smith (American 1839 - 1929)
Still-life of Apples, Chestnut Burs and Pear
Michael Strueber (1945 - )
Calla Lilies
Splendor in Pink and Blue
White Peonies
Jessica Tcherepnine (British-American 1938-2018)
Day Lilies
Andrew John Henry Way (American 1826-1888)
Strawberries on Tabletop
NEW Marlene Wiedenbaum (American 20/21st century)
Tangerines and Lace
Two Oranges
Austin C. Wooster (American, 1838 - 1913)
Still Life – Apples, Grapes, and Goblet
Grapes and Peaches
Upset Basket of Apples on a Tabletop