A. A. Brewster (American 1842 - 1929) (  aka  Ada Augusta Brewster  ) Cottage Off the Lane

Oil on paper, 8.75 x 7.5 inches/Signed lower left

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This sounds perfect. I am really happy that after being in the family for a hundred years, they will be in good hands at your gallery. I was very impressed by your website and your dedication to and appreciation for fine art.

Antonia S.
Bedford Fine Art Gallery Shipping Options
  • Available for purchase
  • Professionally conserved and framed
  • Competitively Priced $1,735

Brewster was born in Kingston, Massachusetts, a descendant of Elder William Brewster, who sailed on the Mayflower from Plymouth, England to present day Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1620. She first studied with Samuel Rouse at the Lowell Institute in Boston. She moved to San Francisco circa the 1880s and studied with Virgil Williams and Raymond Dabb Yelland. She remained in California until circa 1893 when she moved to New York City where she maintained a studio on West 125th St. (no longer standing).

Brewster found her subjects within an hour’s travel from Madison Square along the Bronx River, which at that time the area was described as “pretty rural lands,” and spent part of her summers there, perched on her camp stool and protected from the sun by a white umbrella. That she spent some time in Rome (possibly the early- to mid-1880s) is documented in Clara Erskine Clement Waters 1904 book "Women in the fine arts: from the seventh century B.C. to the twentieth century A.D." Waters stated that Miss Brewster, who lived in Rome, visited the studio of Elizabeth Boott (later the wife of Frank Duveneck).

Brewster, as busy artist, found she had no time to cook nor the room in her studio. She discovered “Grape-Nuts” cereal and found it “an especial boon.” She was so impressed with the food that she wrote a letter to the Postum Cereal Company extolling its virtues and her letter was printed in most U.S. newspapers at the time.

Brewster had two gold medals to her name by the time she arrived in New York City – in addition to painting, she was a china decorator, illustrator and teacher. She was a member of the American Association of Artists (1898 – 1900). Brewster exhibited at the Mechanics’ Institute (1884, San Francisco).

Call now to talk about your interest in this painting: 724-459-0612 Jerry Hawk, Bedford Fine Art GalleryORWe don't know which of your own thoughts will convince yourself that a great decision is going to be made. Only you can find yourself doing so because it naturally and easily makes sense and feels right for you. So please feel free to ask any questions that allow you to recognize that is happening.

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